Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Labor Candidate Wishes America a Happy Labor Day

The Labor Movement has been losing to corporate power each year. The passage of the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947, which apparently President Truman described as a "slave-labor bill", was a tipping point in corporate power over Labor and effective negotiations. In the early 90's trade agreements of NAFTA and the WTO further consolidated power upwards, into corporate hands and, not only grossly exploited foreign labor with unsafe working conditions and slave wages, but undermined the U.S. labor force further by outsourcing millions of jobs, particularly in the manufacturing sector, which has now lost over 3 million jobs since 2000 alone.

Dennis Kucinich is the only candidate to meet these problems head on. As one of his first acts of office, he will notify NAFTA and the WTO that the U.S. will be withdrawing from the agreements to return to bilateral trade agreements, based upon worker's rights, human rights and environmental principles. He will work to repeal the Taft-Hartley Act and increase the minimum wage. He will repeal the Bush Administration tax cuts for the wealthy and double those for Americans earning less than $80,000/yr, while making sure corporations pay their fair share.

Finally, the Kucinich jobs program will put American labor back to work, creating millions of new jobs and more wealth among the middle and working class and small businesses, while simultaneously addressing our crumbling infrastructural problems and energy needs. Through his Works Green Administration, or WGA, Dennis is investing in the environment, as well as our future, while stimulating the national economy. Inspired by FDR's Works Progress Administration, the WGA utilizes the Environmental Protection Agency to put millions of Americans back to work rebuilding our schools, bridges, roads, ports, water systems, and environmental systems. Not only does the bold practicality of the plan lie in putting Americans back to work by investing in the national wealth of our own infrastructure, but the plan also incorporates environmental and energy concerns to further create wealth for the country and save individual families more money. For example, not only will the public works projects stress green building and renewable energy technology, but the plan will enable homes to be retrofit with green building, solar and wind microtechnology which will save families money on their energy bills.

Kucinich is the Labor Candidate:

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