Monday, September 24, 2007

Immigration, Health Care and the Pro-Democracy Movement

Dennis Kucinich spoke at St. John's Well Child and Family Center in South central, Los Angeles. He was the keynote speaker at the forum organized in response to the local healthcare crisis of the closing of King Hospital in the area, which served thousands of the underpriviledged in the area. The event attracted about a hundred local activists, health care professionals, local news stations; one of the largest conferences of its kind.

After the speech those in attendance were allowed to ask questions. When the topic of immigration came up, one affecting many in the Los Angeles area, Mr. Kucinich answered eloquently. He addressed the issue with the genuine passion that we should expect from a national leader, speaking about equal rights, humane priciples and policies of peace, and a newfound American "Pro-Democracy movement". As Kucinich is the only candidate to offer a not-for-profit healthcare system, full withdraw from Iraq and exploitive trade policies like NAFTA and WTO, he is the only candidate to inplement this type of speaking into real policies for the U.S.

Here's the video:

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