Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Kucinich Again Takes the Leadership For the Democratic Party

Here's Kucinich taking up the leadership against the hydrocarbon law in Iraq, which would in effect privatize over 90% of Iraqi Oil Reserves to foreign companies; particulalry U.S. Oil Companies. The hydrocarbon law, considered by the Bush administration to be one of the most important "benchmarks" for "Iraqi success"
would not only open the market to foreign companies, but allow for these same companies to serve on the Iraqi "Federal" Board responsible for evaluating and awarding the contracts, as well as the terms of those contracts.

How's that? So, these foreign companies, will serve on the "national" Iraqi board and thus have significant leverage in influencing the contracts themselves. Of course, it's called "fair distribution". Further, the law wouold parition the nation and increase the likelihood of more violence.

It really is amazing that no other candidate is speaking out about this, but then again Kucinich was the only candidate to show leadership in opposing the war from the beginning, call atention to the lack of credible intelligence (actually reading the National Intelligence Estimate, which bothe Clinton and Edwards somehow didn't!) and consistently speak out against the occupation and vote against funding. Maybe we shouldn't be so surprised.

Please listen to Kucinich explain the situation in more depth:

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