Monday, September 24, 2007

Kucinich Wins Iowa Debate According to ABC Poll

This is amazing! And, I'm starting to think a turning point not only for the Dennis Kucinich presidential campaign, but the way Americans are viewing this election.

ABC, which televised the Iowa Debate, had an internet poll to decide who won. The totals, as of today-7:00 pm Pacific, have Kucinich in first place with about 12,500 votes. He's ahead of second place Obama, who has about 9,000. So, Kucinich is a whopping 3,000 votes in the lead. More to the point, if you added up Clinton's, Biden's and Edwards' votes (3rd, 4th and 5th respectively), Kucinich would still be in the lead!

Now, to me, the significance of this poll is not so much Kucinich winning. The poll is not scientific and further refers specifically to the debate and not the primary, so I'm not trying to argue that, if the primary were held today, it would in any way reflect the outcome. However, there is significance.

The overwhelming response to this is a sign that people are fed up with a corporate media forcing certain candidates into the center, marginalizing alternative and equally viable voices, and ultimately trying to decide our elections. The response shows a public distrustful of current process and taking action to change it! I mean, really, one can't help but see Kucinich's plight at yesterdays debate as that of the American people themselves: He was allowed to attend, but utterly silenced. No wonder he is the candidate who represents the issues of so many Americans who are calling for an actual end to the occupation of Iraq, true universal-single payer-healthcare, defending the constitution and civil liberties, ending disastrous trade agreements that outsource jobs, etc. The American people know the frustration Kucinich must have experienced in Iowa. The American people know about being silenced.

Unfortunately, ABC (as other branches in the MSM) knows how to silence. "Tie Goes to Frontrunner" is on the ABC Politics front page The article goes on about how Clinton didn't win, but didn't lose either. Apparently, Obama, Edwards, and Richardson all had strong performances. But, the article doesn't even mention the poll though. So they never reported on their own poll? Do you think it would if any of the "frontrunners" had won?

Actually, the poll which used to be on the front page is now available in the bottom of "audience favorites". Apparently they had some troubles, earlier judging by the comments, because for a bit the poll numbers changed with Kucinich's votes diappearing, but then changed back? Whatever happened though you should read the comments to the article. If you think what I'm writing about people being angry and fed up is extreme, please read them before you decide. What's amazing is not any single comment itslef: Not the one denoucing the overwhelming coverage of the "fronturnners", not one claiming the MSM is afraid of Kucinich, who stands for the people more than any of the other candidates, not even the one telling ABC they will not be deciding this election. What's amazing is the unity in the responses. America is distrusful and beginning to become really angry. America is ready to hear different voices and ready for change. America is, well, ready for Dennis Kucinich.

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