Monday, October 1, 2007

Kucinich's SCHIP Vote

People have been quick to jump on Dennis Kucinich's for his vote against the SCHIP bill. According to the many critics who are slamming him for it, he is "grandstanding" by not supporting "progressive" reform and thus undermining the health of millions of children. That is, they say, Kucinich chose himself over the children.

Ironically, though, it's suffering children that made Kucinich vote against the bill. It doesn't cover children of legal immigrants:

“I cannot support legislation which extends health coverage to some children while openly denying it to other children,” Kucinich said. “This legislation is woefully inadequate: and I will not support it.

“Legal immigrant children deserve the same quality health care as other children receive. It is Congress’ responsibility to address the main difficulties that prevent legal immigrant children from gaining access to health care. Today, we did exactly the opposite.

That's right, this "progressive" legislation has omitted that part from the earlier version of expanding the program; the earlier version that Kucinich did vote for. And before someone starts arguing "realistic reform" and taking "steps in the right direction" ask yourself how likely it is that these children woould be addressed at a later time, in some reform down the road: when do you think Congress will address these children of parents who don't vote?

No. It is unacceptable to leave these children out of the reform, children who in large part are the children in most need; the children who are truly poor, who live 2 or 3 families a house, the children whose parents are more likely to not speak English and therefore, not only have low wages, but unsafe and unsanitary work conditions, children who are exposed to pesticides...

It's stunning how leaving these children out of the legislation is only described as "not perfect". It's not humane!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You must be kidding? Any move against the insurance profiteers will get the ball rolling toward the universal health coverage that we need! That's why they are freaking out about this bill! Just change your vote already?

Bush's veto is appalling but not surprising. Bush reveals again his hard boiled radical conviction in free market solutions to everything, even though one need look no further than New Orleans to see how impractical and even cruel this extremist zealotry is. The bottom line is this: while all Americans know the many true benefits of free enterprise, THERE IS NO LEGITIMATE BUSINESS PROFIT TO BE MADE IN PROVIDING CARE FOR POOR KIDS. Those who claim otherwise should be exposed as the misguided and morally lacking profiteers they are.