Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Kucinich Leadership Against Our "Enduring Relationship"

As Bob Fertik points out, Dennis Kucinich's leadership against the Iraq war/occupation has not only been prescient and consistent, but comprehensive and definitive:

In the wake of the Bush-Maliki Declaration of an "enduring relationship," TalkingPointsMemo is doing its usual outstanding work by collecting statements from the Democratic Presidential candidates on keeping permanent U.S. bases in Iraq...

Like Obama, Clinton, and Dodd, Edwards doesn't address the fact that many have already been built, or say what he will do with them.

Kucinich sounded the alarm about Bush's construction of permanent bases back on 4/14/05, when he released a Congressional Research Service (CRS) report that found over $1 billion for military construction in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In 2006, Kucinich cosponsored Rep. Barbara Lee's bill to close permanent bases, which did pass the House. He has also been adamant about withdrawing all U.S. troops bringing the private contrators back, Not allowing privatization of Iraq's oil, and handing back reconstruction contracts and stability to the Iraqi economy: Basically all of the aspects of the U.S. Occupation which is the main causse of violence and instability in the region.

Kucinich is the first candidate to acknowledge Bush built permanent bases, and to say he will close them. And he has the record to prove it, including co-sponsoring Barbara Lee's resolution against permanent bases in 2005, opposing permanent bases in a floor speech in 2006, and calling the current Democratic plan for Iraq a "total fraud" just last week because it would permit permit bases.

Where have these other candidates been???

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