Friday, November 30, 2007

FISA, Amnesty and Kucinich

Now that Mr. Reid will be making a critical decision on the FISA legislation and we need so desperately our Representaitives to be vocal about their opposition to immunity, let's be clear about where Kucinich stands:

“I object to any immunity for telecommunications companies and demand a full accounting of these companies’ involvement to Congress and to the American public. When corporations cooperate with the government to strip people of their Constitutional rights, that is a text book description of fascism. There must not be any place in America for this type of conduct.”
-Dennis Kucinich

And, so wandered Dennis Kucinich; alone again; alone into that uncharted 2008 Presidential Candidate territory, called courage; called clarity; called "getting to the heart of an issue and speaking about it honestly"!

This is Kucinich territory; the place where only he would confront the lies to go to war and oppose it for what it actually was: a war for oil. This is the same place that he now stands alone, in speaking out and providing leadership against agressive actions against Iran. It's that oh, so lonely, place in this election where Kucinich finds himself the only candidate willing to address the real problem of our current health care system; the extreme waste of the for-profit system; and offer a truly universal not-for-profit system. It is the place that roots out the cause of our $800 Billion trade deficit, human and worker's rights abuses, and environmental ruin by repealing our trade agreements; speaks out out about Iraqi exploitation and oil privatization; cuts the bloated Pentagon budget for universal education, K-College; takes the Declaration of Independence at its word and gives equal rights to all Americans instead of only some; and considers the Constitution the first and final reason to stand up to this Administration to begin an impeachment investigation.

It really is amazing that so many "common sense", and "common good", positions could be held by him alone, yet they are. Speaking for, and taking action in the name of, the American people, always trumps "politics" for Kucinich and he's proven it, again and again. Yet, how sad that there is a difference between the two! The whole idea behind Representative Democracy is speaking and taking action for the people. But, what other Democrat, besides Kucinich is willing to choose the poeple over politics? What other candidate is willing to take on the war machine and reject war as an instrument of policy; take on insurance and pharmaceutical companies to offer not-for-profit health care, take on corporate power involved in our trade agreements; take on this Administration?

Kucinich's above quote was in response to the Senate Intelligence Committee vote to immunize telecommunications companies from civil lawsuits for tapping Americans’ phones and computer without court approval. He has already sent letters to

the Chairmen and CEOs of the nation’s largest telecommunications companies in May 2006, demanding they reveal to Congress their dealings with the National Security Agency (NSA).

The letters sent to the heads of Verizon, Qwest, BellSouth and AT&T specifically ask if NSA employees forced telecommunications companies, through coercion, to comply with the NSA illegal domestic spying program.

“It is imperative the telecommunications companies reveal everything they and their employees know about this illegal request,” Kucinich stated in the letter. “You have a responsibility to safeguard our democracy by revealing potentially illegal activities of the NSA to Congress.

“In light of these allegations, I urge you to reveal to Congress the nature of (your) discussions with NSA. Specifically, did any NSA official make coercive statements to any of your employees? Did the NSA make any legal arguments for their request of this information? And did the NSA suggest it was your company’s patriotic duty to adhere to such a request?” Kucinich also asked in the letter.

We know Kucinich will continue to stand up for the American people:

“Why should telecommunications companies be held above the law? If we permit our constitutional rights to be watered down out of fear, we have given up important foundations of our democracy. Congress must stand firm and defend the Constitution.”

“I want to get to the bottom of this Administration’s aggressive abuse on Americans’ civil liberties.”

And now we need to stand up as well. We need to get rid of the fear. We need to get back to America. We need to support Dennis Kucinich!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tommorow Is Last Day To Double $$ On Kucinich

According to public, campaign finacning regulations tommorow, November 29th, is the last day to receive matching funds through public financing.

So if you make a contribution tonight or tommorow to Dennis Kucinich, this means that your $50 contribution becomes a $100 contribution, $200 equals $400 ... up to $250.

From the Kucinich campaign:

There are literally just weeks left before the primaries in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. We are proud of how far we've come, and the way the American people have embraced our message of "Strength through Peace." According to recent polls we are in 4th place in New Hampshire. You could help put us over the top in New Hampshire by making a contribution today, and Double Your Impact, by taking advantage of the federal matching funds program.

Your support is essential as you can help us:

* Run advertisements and media
* Hire field coordinators and staff
* Provide housing for volunteers willing to come to New Hampshire to help get Dennis' message out.
* Have all the resources we need to compete in New Hampshire and other early primary states

You know our campaign does not take contributions from corporations or from special interest groups. We have relied on people like you to help support our campaign. You have always come through during our end of quarter drives.

This is such an important opportunity for us and we cannot let it go by. Kucinich has disporpotiantely been supported by small donors and so the fact of doubling our contribution is something that we simply need to take advantage of. Even a small donation now becomes more significant. If you have already donated, I sincerely thank you. But, if you can make the extra committment for Mr. Kucinich's leadership, it will go twice as far until tommorow.

Let us not forget what Kucinich's leadership has been:

The only Democratic Candidate to oppose the War and the subsequent Occupation

The only Democratic Candidate to show the judgement and Constitutional integrity to vote against the Patriot Act

One of only six House members to vote against the Homegrow Terrorism Act

The only Democratic Candidate who is taking the threats to our Democracy seriously and actually holding this Administration accountable through Impeachment

The only Presidential Candidate offering a truly universal, not-for-profit health care system

The only Democratic Candidate who will cancel U.S. involvement in job killing, deficit building, human expoliting, environmental raping trade agreements, NAFTA/WTO

Really it goes on. We have seen this leadership. Kucinich has been the heart and soul of this party; the only Democrat willing to stand up for the party's principles, rather than play party politics; the only one willing to put the Constitution and all Americans ahead of politics.

We need to support Dennis because he is speaking for us. And we need to support him now before it is too late. Please follow this link and make your contribution now.

Thank you for your support!

Kucinich Leadership Against Our "Enduring Relationship"

As Bob Fertik points out, Dennis Kucinich's leadership against the Iraq war/occupation has not only been prescient and consistent, but comprehensive and definitive:

In the wake of the Bush-Maliki Declaration of an "enduring relationship," TalkingPointsMemo is doing its usual outstanding work by collecting statements from the Democratic Presidential candidates on keeping permanent U.S. bases in Iraq...

Like Obama, Clinton, and Dodd, Edwards doesn't address the fact that many have already been built, or say what he will do with them.

Kucinich sounded the alarm about Bush's construction of permanent bases back on 4/14/05, when he released a Congressional Research Service (CRS) report that found over $1 billion for military construction in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In 2006, Kucinich cosponsored Rep. Barbara Lee's bill to close permanent bases, which did pass the House. He has also been adamant about withdrawing all U.S. troops bringing the private contrators back, Not allowing privatization of Iraq's oil, and handing back reconstruction contracts and stability to the Iraqi economy: Basically all of the aspects of the U.S. Occupation which is the main causse of violence and instability in the region.

Kucinich is the first candidate to acknowledge Bush built permanent bases, and to say he will close them. And he has the record to prove it, including co-sponsoring Barbara Lee's resolution against permanent bases in 2005, opposing permanent bases in a floor speech in 2006, and calling the current Democratic plan for Iraq a "total fraud" just last week because it would permit permit bases.

Where have these other candidates been???

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mercer Report Shows Failure of Our Current Healthcare System

It is well known that the cost of healthcare takes a heavy toll on businesses. Large corporations are unable to compete in the world market with foreign companies that benefit from national not-for-profit healthcare systems: G.M. reports that the costs of healthcare adds an additional $1,600 to each automobile. But, nowhere is the strain more apparent than for small businesses, which disproportionately do not offer healthcare to workers.

And now a new study finds this trend only worsening:

A new annual report by employee benefits firm Mercer, shows the cost of providing employer-sponsored health insurance increased by 6.1 percent in 2007 to nearly $8,000 per employee.

Employee coverage by small businesses dropped from 69 percent to 61 percent since the beginning of the Bush Administration. The results provide further evidence that HR 676, the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act, is the only choice for health care reform.

Dennis Kucinich, who is the only candidate willing to challenge the private, insurance and pahrmaceutical industries by offering a not-for-profit, truly universal healthcare system, commented:

“Small businesses are no longer willing to bear the burden of the cost of keeping the health insurance industry profitable,” said Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH).

The survey also revealed that employers are shifting their costs onto workers and they are getting less care.

“Health care is increasingly too expensive for small businesses to cover. It’s time for America to join with the rest of the industrialized nations of the world in guaranteeing health care for its people.”

Kucinich's plan H.R. 676 is the most rational, economically feasible, and comprehensive solution to our national healthcare crisis:

H.R. 676 is a bill, co-drafted by Dennis Kucinich, which will enact a true universal health care system for the United States. The bill will create a publicly financed, privately delivered healthcare program that provides all U.S. citizens with comprehensive medical coverage, including office visits, hospitalization, emergency care, long term care, prescription drugs, medical equipment, mental health services, drug and alcohol treatment, dental and vision care; with no co-pays, deductibles, or denial of coverage.

Moreover, H.R. 676 provides this comprehensive coverage to all citizens by spending $56 Billion less each year than the current for-profit, private insurance system; the private insurance system that leaves 46 million Americans uninsured and 50+ million underinsured; the same system that wastes 31% of every healthcare dollar (roughly $600 billion/yr) on non-healthcare related spending, such as marketing/advertising, an inefficient administration, rating and underwriting clients, denying coverage, and generating corporate profit; the system structured around profit that has undermined quality, affordable coverage, leaving Americans vulnerable to financial ruin in times of need because of excessive co-pays, deductibles, and medication costs.

As a not-for-profit system, H.R. 676 eliminates the waste by operating with a much more efficient 3% administration cost, utilizing the roughly $600 billion saved each year for actual healthcare and finally guaranteeing the same high quality care for every American. As a not-for-profit system, H.R. 676 creates a healthcare system structured for the purpose of providing the best care to all in the most economically efficient way, rather than maximizing profit. As a not-for-profit system, H.R. 676 finally presents access to healthcare as a basic human right, rather than just another corporate commodity. And, in his support of H.R. 676, Dennis Kucinich is the only candidate considering what will truly strengthen and provide security for all Americans, rather than the healthcare industry. In supporting H.R. 676 Dennis Kucinich is considering:

Crisis: 46 million Americans uninsured and 50+ million underinsured; medically related bankruptcies, up 2,200% since 1981, account for half of all bankruptcies in this country and, yet ¾ of them were insured at the time. H.R. 676 guarantees full coverage for every American.

Quality: Not only does H.R. 676 provide all Americans with unparalleled quality of coverage, including free choice of provider and complete portability, but it finally allows medical decisions to be made only by those that should: medical professionals. H.R. 676 has the support of over 14,000 physicians and nurses associations because it eliminates the business of private insurance and pharmaceutical companies from influencing medical decisions to save money.

Costs: The private system has utterly failed to control costs as premiums have risen three times faster than inflation and pharmaceuticals go through the roof. H.R. 676 will not only spend $56 billion less, but go further in controlling costs by allocating budgets, eliminating profit and finally having the clout to negotiate fair rates with the pharmaceutical companies.

Families: As H.R. 676 is funded through tax dollars, 95% of families will pay less for health care than they do now. Under the current private system, the average family premium is up to $11,000/yr. However, under H.R.676, a family of three making $40,000/yr. will spend roughly 1,900/yr. For comprehensive coverage without any additional costs, such as co-pays,
deductibles or prescription medications.

Businesses: The current private system places a heavy burden on businesses to provide
healthcare for employees, the average employer contributing $2,600 per employee. Under H.R. 676 the average would drop to about $1,600. This financial strain handicaps U.S. businesses competing in the world market.

The for-profit system requires non-healthcare related spending and waste to operate, the whole system designed to create income, not care. In supporting H.R. 676, Dennis Kucinich is the only presidential candidate who offers a solution for high quality, true universal health care in this country: eliminating the for-profit, private insurance system. In supporting H.R. 676 Dennis Kucinich is able to finally guarantee all Americans the security of affordable and fully comprehensive coverage. And through H.R. 676, Dennis Kucinich is reaching out to all Americans, bringing them together, to face the for-profit, private healthcare system and once again reclaim our responsibility as a great nation.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Kucinich: The Democratic Leadership Amounts to "Total Fraud"

Well, Dennis Kucinich continues to speak for America rather than gross party politics. Speaking in New Hampshire, Wednesday, Kucinich stated:

the vow from his party's leadership in Congress to stand up to President Bush on ending the war in Iraq amounts to a "total fraud."

The Ohio congressman said the most recent House-passed plan to set a timetable for ending the war still would permit permanent bases in Iraq and allow Americans soldiers to train Iraqi military and police and to fight off insurgents.

"This is a fraud, a total fraud, and it breaks the promise the Democrats made to the voters that we would get out of Iraq," Kucinich said of his own party's congressional leadership during an interview Wednesday.

It really does seem to me that only Kucinich understands, or at least is willing to admit, that this country is in serious danger right now. Kucinich, seems alone among the candidates who believes that this election is much less about reclaiming the White House for the Democratic Party, than it is about reclaiming the United States for all of its citizens.

Yet, there is such a disconnect within our political system that the Democratic Leadership will not act upon the wishes of a majority of Americans regarding the war/occupation or even in protecting the essence of our Democracy through accountability and beginning impeachment investigations. As kucinich duly noted:

"I think the outrage is building among the voting public, but to the political system, it's business as usual."

State Rep. Betty Hall, D-Brookline, who attended, decided to endorse Kucinich after he forced consideration of V.P. Cheney's Impeachment a few weeks ago. Hall tried to bring in a non-binding resolution to the New Hampshire House supporting an impeachment proceeding against Bush and Cheney, which House leaders from both parties opposed, not allowing an up or down vote.

"It isn't popular to speak up; I know. When I spoke in the Legislature, some people were angry, but we must talk about it. We must learn about it," Hall said.

Hall also showed Kucinich an article in the New Hampshire State Constitution, which reads inpart:

"The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power and repression is absurd, slavish and destructive of the good of all mankind."

Kucinich, who is now promising to bring more detailed articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush, said:

"I'm going to quote that language from the New Hampshire Constitution all over the country. Clearly New Hampshire is the place to bring this message.

Seems fitting for New Hampshire: "Live free or die"...

Kucinich will be a leading speaker Monday night at Dartmouth College for an "Impeachment Teach-In" sponsored by state and national liberal-leaning organizations.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Why Small Business Needs Kucinich

In an age of corporate consolidation and dispropotionate power, Dennis Kucinich is the candidate most willing to face the problems threatenting the American dream head on by leveling the economy and supporting growth and stabalization in the small business sector. As Kucinich notes:

The challenge before us today is whether we can maintain a government of the people, by the people and for the people, or whether we will timidly accept the economic, social, and political consequences of a government of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations.

As with the entire Kucinich platform, his solutions are intricately weaved throughout his policies and holistic view of government, however, Kucinich's benefits for small businesses can be seen in three main area of his policy:

1.) Economic Policy

2.) Jobs/Energy Program

3.) Healthcare

Dennis' program for the economy is one marked by balance. His plan will:

create a more level playing field for small businesses by reconstituting the trust-busting powers of the Justice Department and breaking up the monopolies that make competition next to impossible for small businesses in many industries. Repealing corporate trade agreements -- NAFTA and the WTO -- that currently give further advantages to large corporations at the expense of small businesses and local economies are central to this goal.

Kucinich will repeal the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, double the tax refunds for American families making less than $80,000, and ensure that corporations pay a fair tax rate, which now pay over three times less than in the 1950's.

He will also work to make it possible for small media and agricultural businesses to compete by busting media monopolies and

requiring country-of-origin labeling; by actively enforcing existing anti-trust laws; and by enacting new laws to force divestiture in concentrated markets, breaking apart monopolistic agribusiness companies and shifting farm economics towards higher commodity prices for farmers. To increase competition in the livestock industry, I strongly support a national ban on packer ownership of livestock.

Our country must shift USDA funding and focus away from the promotion of concentrated intensive and industrial agribusiness. A new focus will benefit family farmers, rural communities, the environment, and consumers, with policies crafted to enable farmers to earn a fair price and to provide safe, nutritious food.

By cutting our bloated Pentagon budget by at least 15%, Kucinich will then use that money for a universal education program, as well as his Jobs Program.

In this more balanced framework of competition, the Kucinich Jobs Program will create millions of new working/middle class jobs, and huge opportunities for small businesses, while simultaneously addressing our crumbling infrastructural problems and energy needs. Through his Works Green Administration, or WGA, Dennis is investing in the environment, as well as our future, while stimulating the national economy.

Inspired by FDR's Works Progress Administration, the WGA utilizes the Environmental Protection Agency to put millions of Americans back to work rebuilding our schools, bridges, roads, ports, water systems, and environmental systems. Not only does the bold practicality of the plan lie in putting Americans back to work by investing in the national wealth of our own infrastructure, but the plan also incorporates environmental and energy concerns to further create wealth for the country and save individual families more money. For example, not only will the public works projects stress green building and renewable energy technology, but the plan will enable homes to be retrofit with green building, solar and wind microtechnology which will save families money on their energy bills. And this shift from oil, coal and nuclear energies will open up opportunities for emerging small businesses developing renewable energies.

Dennis will also institute a National Housing Trust Fund to provide affordable housing to millions of Americans and have consistently shown to stimulate the economy, as well as small businesses.

Finally, the Kucinich Healthcare plan, H.R. 676, will not only support the health of the 47 million Americans without any care and the 50+million who are underinsured, but also the health of our economy-particularly small businesses, as the Mercer report recently showed.

Employer provided healthcare coverage-under the current private, for-profit system-places a heavy burden on businesses: The average employer contributing $2,600 per employee. Under H.R. 676 the average would drop to about $1,600. This financial strain handicaps large U.S. businesses competing in the world market and small businesses here at home. Small businesses end up with larger cost sharing, often pushed off on the worker, and less comprehensive benefit packages. More and more often small businesses cannot even offer healthcare at all.

Under a Kucinich Administration, small businesses receive an equal and much greater opportunity in this country. Under a Kucinich Administration, the American dream becomes and equal and greater opportunity. Please support Dennis Kucinich!

Kucinich Campaign Weekly Update

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"I Take Issue With Your Description..."

We cannot forget who we are. We are a nation of, a nation welcoming and built by immigrants. And though this Administration wants to divert attention from its current mistakes, we cannot forget who we are in the process. To Dennis Kucinich, America means "give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses...". To Dennis Kucinich, in an open and free democratic nation there must be a path to citizenship. To Dennis Kucinich, there is no such thing as an illegal human being.

Speaking at the Latino Congresso last month, Kucinich said:

I want to let you to know something; how I feel about what’s happened to our country...

in this toxic environment, the Administration, in its never-ending quest for more scapegoats, focuses on immigrants. You know it and I know it. And we see, unfortunately, the failure of the Democratic Party to stand up to this Administration...

Isn’t it interesting how famous Ronald Reagan became for saying, “Mr. Gorbachev, take down that wall.” Oh, how far we’ve come from those days. When President Reagan said, “Take down that wall,” and President Bush now says, “Build up a wall,” where are we going as a nation?

I believe the way the immigrant community is treated, whether documented or not, reflects the direction and future of America. We must believe that our brothers and sisters, Latinos and all of the other ethnic groups, are essential to who we are as Americans.

Kucinich has voted against and vocally criticized the debate on the border fence, though he does support securing our ports and borders. However, to really address the immigration issue, we reform our trade agreements that have caused the mass immigration from Mexico. NAFTA and the WTO not only destroyed high paying manufacturing jobs at home, but seriously depressed the economy in Mexico and forcing millions to cross the border in search for work. The immigration issue is becoming more and more the scapegoat for our disastrous trade agreements and wars. Only by renegotiating fair trade agreements and improving the Mexican economy can we hope to begin to solve our immigration issues.

Kucinich wants to offer immigrants a clear road map to legal status in the United States and grant legal permanent residence to immigrants who have been living in the U.S. for five or more years. He would also offer conditional legal status and work authorization to all law-abiding immigrants living in the United States for less than five years and revoke current laws that bar certain people who live abroad from re-entering the U.S. for a period of three to 10 years. Kucinich wants to stand for all Americans and all people:

It is time that we had a President who understood that human unity is what makes for peace. And that when we impose the wrath of the law that is unjust, what we’re doing is we’re stopping peace from happening. So, I’m running for President to make sure that all the people in America know that they have someone who they can count on, and know that they will have a President who will stand up for them. And I will tell you today that the Latino community, in particular, has a right to expect that all the candidates will stand in front of you and say, “Yes. We must have a path to legalization. Yes. There must be a way for people to work in this country, if they want to live in Mexico. Yes. We must take down that wall!”

Here's Kucinich at the recent debate in Nevada addressing the immigration issue, along with the label of "Illegal Immigrant"

Kucinich On Energy And The Environment

We have to recognize the relationship between global warming and “global warring”. Just as dependence on foreign oil has led to wars in the Middle East, allocating an outrageous amount of our budget to the Pentagon facilitates and preserves this dependence on foreign oil. Dennis Kucinich understands this connection and so, as stated above, will slash the Pentagon budget by 15% as his first step to move away from fossil fuels and towards sustainable and renewable fuels and energy sources. As stated above, this money will go to education, as well as creating his Works Green Administration (WGA). The WGA will couple the EPA with NASA to develop new technologies to utilize alternative fuels and energies.

Inspired by FDR's Works Progress Administration, the WGA utilizes the Environmental Protection Agency to put millions of Americans back to work rebuilding our schools, bridges, roads, ports, water systems, and environmental systems. Not only does the bold practicality of the plan lie in putting Americans back to work by investing in the national wealth of our own infrastructure, but the plan also incorporates environmental and energy concerns to further create wealth for the country and save individual families more money. For example, not only will the public works projects stress green building and renewable energy technology, but the plan will enable homes to be retrofit with green building, solar and wind microtechnology which will save families money on their energy bills. The WGA rebuilding effort will incorporate sustainable development and renewable energy from our public infrastructure to the millions of private homes that choose to retrofit with wind and solar technologies to save on family energy costs. In fact, they will be able to sell energy back to the grid.

The role of utilities will change dramatically because it will no longer be a centralized approach toward energy production. Utility companies will have to provide support for green alternatives. They will no longer be dictating energy costs, as Kucinich will work to break up the monopolies and ensure close regulation of their activities. They will be required to go green as license conditions and shut down if they violate the Clean Air Act. We will finally have a strict and EPA.

Further, Kucinich will finally committ the U.S. to the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol, as well as incorporating a carbon tax to create disincentives for using carbon-based energies. However, he believes this isn’t enough; simply punishing those people who are using carbons is not the answer. Rather, Kucinich wants to put the emphasis first on the government supporting renewable technologies, to move the country toward a renewable portfolio standard of at least 30% by 2020.

Kucinich will create a cooperative and synergistic relationship between all departments and administrations within the government for the purpose of greening America. Whether it's the Small Business Administration, or the Housing and Urban Development Department, or the Department of Agriculture, or the Department of Labor, each would incorporate green goals into its policies.

Internationally, as President, Kucinich will work with the leaders of China and India and other nations to promote an environmental consciousness and sustainable economies. After withdrawing from NAFTA, the new trade agreements will include requirements for protecting the air and the water and the land of all the countries we do business with.

Dennis Kucinich has a long history and strong committment of fighting for the environment. He was active in helping draft the first environmental law protecting the air, as a member of the Cleveland City Council 30 years ago and led the effort in Ohio challenging nuclear power as being unsafe, unreliable, and unsustainable. Internationally he attended the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, advocating a plan with Mikhail Gorbachev for a Global Green Deal that would enable the introduction of $50 billion of new solar projects around the world.

Support Dennis Kucinich and make America a leader in protecting our environment and creating a sustainable future.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Wow! Here's Proof That Kucinich Made Noise In Nevada

Tucker Carlson spends over three minutes of his show, along with L.A. Times columnist, Rosa Brooks, and A.B. Stoddard of The Hill, to discuss "why Dennis Kucinich isn't a frontrunner?". Even more amazing is the "conclusion" they reach: He should be!

Forgive me if I'm editorializing a bit too much on that last point, but they do seem to concede that Kucinich doesn't get a fair shake by anyone, the media or his own party, even though he stands for everything the Dems say they do and then vote against. Tucker and the two correspondents even cite the media role in marginalizing Kucinich, the self-fullfilling nature of polling, the need to let canididates get more equal time to let the public decide the election; to which Brooks presumes, "we might get different results". They even bandy about words and phrases like "trailblazer" and "the machine"...

It's very interesting, particularly in light of Tucker's history of continually trying to undermine Kucinich at any cost-no matter how base and ridiculous his methods.

However, skeptical I can be towards their intent, I do think that this is proof that Kucinich is making noise. They would simply ignore him otherwise.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Most Relevant 1:47 During the Whole Debate W/ Poll

Something's happened to Dennis Kucinich. There's a newfound confidence; a deeply resigned, yet boldly assertive tone gathering in his voice. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's his recent progress in major polls and grassroots support. Maybe it's the fighter coming out, now that impeachment has gained some life. Maybe it's the realization that a majority of Americans side with him on the issues and that he is the one pushing this party back to the people. Or maybe it's that he's been the candidate who has best exercised the leadership and judgement on huge issues, such as Iraq, the Patriot Act, Iran, Trade, and Impeachment.

I'm not really sure, but Kucinich has been digging in and swinging long lately. And, yeah, he's driving them home. Listen to the applause!

When Wolf asked Kucinich about his being the only candidate to vote against the liberty robbing PATRIOT Act, Dennis took a hard cut:

That's because I read it.

After a round of huge applause, Blitzer asked Kucinich if he felt that those who voted for the PATRIOT Act held a responsibility to people who have been treated unfairly and racially profiled, to which Kucinich responded that

...the president of the United States is called upon to make the right decision at the right time. And you've seen here tonight, people who have voted for the war, voted to fund the war, and now they have a different position. People who voted for the Patriot Act, now they have a different position. People who voted for China Trade, now they have a different position. People who voted for Yucca Mountain, now they have a different position.

Just imagine what it will be like to have a President of the United States who's right the first time. Just imagine.

Another healthy round of applause, but, Kucinich wasn't done.

Addressing an earlier question regarding the Bush Administration's abuses of power and what is to be done, Kucinich laid into it even as Blitzer tried to cut him off:

...they're out of control and the Congress isn't doing anything. Its' called Impeachment. And you don't wait. You do it now. You don't wait. Now...

No more applause: Out and out hooting and hollaring, standing and cheering, excited, involved...

Please watch.

If Basra Is Any Indication, Kucinich Is Right

Kucinich has long been the only candidate saying that the "Occupation is fueling the Insurgency" and that the first step in stabalizing the region is withdrawing all of our troops, contractors, etc.

If the recent withdraw of British troops from Basra is any indication, then he's dead on. From Associated Press:

BAGHDAD: Attacks against British and Iraqi forces have plunged by 90 percent in southern Iraq since London withdrew its troops from the main city of Basra, the commander of British forces there said Thursday.

The presence of British forces in downtown Basra, Iraq's second-largest city, was the single largest instigator of violence, Maj. Gen. Graham Binns told reporters Thursday on a visit to Baghdad's Green Zone.

90%! Now, it should be noted that Basra is a different situation than, say Baghdad, because of it's overwhelming Shite population. The theory here, being that this will lessen the likelihood of sectarian conflict. Which, of course, seems logical.

However, Basra has seen major fighting:

...between Shiite militias vying for control of the city and its security forces.

British officials expected a spike in such "intra-militia violence" after they pulled back from the city's center, and were surprised to find none, Binns said.

So, the view of the British as an Occupation force seems to have been the most important factor in driving up violence, just as Kucinich has been holding for the past 5 years.

Further than this, Kucinich's plan is the only one that addresses all of the issues regarding the occupation. This includes oil privatization, handing reconstruction contracts back to Iraqis, stabalzing their economy, and reparations. It is the most comprehensive and, even with all of the hard work and effort going into it-take a deep breath-the most practical. Kucinich is the only candidate who is proposing what we need to do.

Please support Dennis Kucinich's 12 Point Plan:

(1) the United States should end the occupation of Iraq immediately, simultaneously with the introduction of a United Nations-led international peacekeeping force pursuant to an agreement with nations within the region and which incorporates the terms and conditions specified in section 1;

(2) the Department of Defense should use readily available existing funds to bring all United States troops and necessary equipment home while a political settlement is being negotiated and preparations are made for a transition to an international security and peacekeeping force;

(3) the Department of Defense should order a simultaneous return of all United States contractors and subcontractors and turn over all contracting work to the Iraqi Government;

(4) the United Nations should be encouraged to prepare an international security and peacekeeping force to be deployed to Iraq, replacing United States troops who then return home;

(5) the United States should provide funding for a United Nations peacekeeping mission, in which 50 percent of the peacekeeping troops should come from nations with large Muslim populations;

(6) the international security force, under United Nations direction, should remain in place until the Iraqi Government is capable of handling its own security;

(7) the Iraqi Government, with assistance from the United Nations, should immediately restart the failed reconstruction program in Iraq and rebuild roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, and other public facilities, houses, and factories with jobs and job training going to local Iraqis;

(8) the Iraqi Government, in an act of political sovereignty, should set aside initiatives to privatize Iraqi oil interests or other national assets and abandon all efforts, whether at the behest of the United States or otherwise, to change Iraqi national law to facilitate privatization;

(9) the Iraq Government, in an act of political sovereignty, should set forth a plan to stabilize Iraq's cost for food and energy, on par to what the prices were before the United States invasion and occupation;

(10) the Iraqi Government, in an act of political sovereignty, should strive for economic sovereignty for Iraq by working with the world community to restore Iraq's fiscal integrity without structural readjustment measures of the International Monetary Funds or the World Bank;

(11) the United States should initiate a reparations program for the loss of Iraqi lives, physical and emotional injuries, and damage to property, which should include an effort to rescue the tens of thousands of Iraqi orphans from lives of destitution; and

(12) the United States should refrain from any covert operations in Iraq and any attempts to destabilize the Iraqi Government.

Kucnich At the Debate

Here's all of the Dennis Kucinich responses from this weeks Democratic debate in Nevada.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Democratic Leadership Plays Games As Humans Die

Dennis Kucinich is keeping the heat on the Democratic Leadership by calling them out on the war funding game. Kucinich has been adamant in telling the truth about the situation: Anytime the Dems want to end the war they are able to do so!

The situation isn't about obtaining Republican votes to pass a bill which would end the war (the myth they continually hide behind), but rather NOT PRESENTING A BILL AT ALL. No bill=no money and an end to the war; exactly what the American people want. This does not endanger the safety of our troops or the stability of Iraq, as the money that has already been appropriated will be then used to begin the process of withdraw and the U.S. works with the U.N. and other countries in the region to provide an international peacekeeping and security force.

Upon passage of another supplemental for $50 Billion more the other day, Kucinich released a statement:

“When the American people went to the polls last November, they overwhelmingly voted for Democrats. They voted for Democrats because they wanted to see a new direction in Iraq -- and that direction is out."

"For the past 11 months, all the House Leadership has done is play into President Bush’s hand. They have approved every war funding bill the President has asked for.

“Leadership could have told President Bush they will not continue to fund the war. They could have said: Use the money you already have to bring the troops home. That is what the American people want.

“They did not have to bring a bill to the floor. They could have forced the President to bring the troops home by refusing to provide any money for the war. Enough money exists to bring the troops home -- without further appropriations.

“But by offering the emergency supplemental appropriations bill today, the House Leadership is taking this Congress and this country down the same path: a path of destruction, chaos and death."

He went on to mention the extreme waste in lives and money of this illegitimate war/occupation:

"More than 3,800 Americans have died and more than one million innocent Iraqis have perished in an unjust and unnecessary war. It is commonly accepted that there is no military solution in Iraq, so why are we there?

“Each year this war is getting more and more costly -- both in the amount of money spent and in the number of lives lost. The Congressional Budget Office released a report last month showing the Iraq war could total $1.9 trillion through 2017 and just yesterday the Joint Economic Committee published a report revealing the total economic costs of war could exceed $3.5 trillion through 2017.

He concluded by asking the same painful questions that 70%-80% of all Americans have been asking themselves:

“When will the House Leadership stand up for the American people? How many more lives have to be lost before they stand up to this Administration and refuse to send any more money for the war?”

To which one might add a few other equally painful questions: When will someone other than Kucinich start to tell the truth on this issue and push for an ctual end to this war? When will our Democrats in Congress and running for a highest office stop playing games? When will our politicians put lives above politics?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

We're Losing Our Democracy and It's Time To Save It

Here's Kucinich speaking in front of the House to draw attention to the Defense Autorization Bill which includes language that would authorize use of U.S. Military for Domestic Purposes:

Kucinich Blasts Edwards On China

This makes sense, as Edwards has been very vocal lately about trade agreements; trying to fashion himself the labor candidate. Kucinich, however, has been most consistent leader on fair trade that protects U.S. jobs, human rights, worker's rights, and environmental principles.

The Kucinich campaig released a press release, "Made in China hazards began with Made in Washington, D.C.", regarding the safety hazards and recall of millions of Chinese toys:

“real warning label should say ‘Made in Washington, D.C. by corporate lobbyists’ because the life-threatening hazards of these products were either ignored or brushed off by members of the Congress seven yeas ago,” Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich said today.

And, at least one then-member of the Senate, John Edwards, who has been railing lately in favor of higher safety standards for Chinese-made products, defended his 2000 vote supporting expanded China trade with the famously reported comment, “it does us no good to pretend that these remedies are perfect and that people will not be hurt.”

“Senator Edwards knew seven years ago that people would be hurt, so why did he vote for China trade?”Kucinich asked. “How credible is his newfound consumer protectionism and his campaign advocacy for trade reform to save American jobs?”

Pointing to Edwards' expertise in product liability matters as a Trial lawyer, Kucinich questioned how Edwards could have voted in good conscience for the 2000 China trade agreement, which has

resulted in the loss of more than 973,00 manufacturing jobs and more than 1.2 million jobs total, according to studies released by the AFL-CIO.

“If he knew then that this trade agreement would hurt people and put Americans out of work, he had a moral responsibility to vote against it,” said Kucinich, who has a perfect record in his votes against unfair trade agreements. “Like his now-regretted vote in favor of the resolution that led to the Iraq war, his votes on trade issues raise questions of judgment.”

Kucinich also cited an analysis conducted by Public Citizen in August which rated the actual votes on trade agreements for each Presidential candidate. Kucinich received the highest rating at 93% (which would have been 100%, except he missed one vote) and Edwards only scored 63%. In fact, two Republican candidates, Duncan Hunter and Ron Paul, scored higher than Edwards!

"When candidates stand in front of a union audience or in front of the cameras, they bemoan the three millions jobs that have been lost because of ‘free trade’ agreements,” Kucinich noted. “When they had a chance to vote as a member of Congress, they strongly supported those agreements. That means they voted against American workers, and, as recent events have shown, against American consumers.”

Monday, November 12, 2007

Kucinich Weekly Update

The Most Practical Plan For the Economy

Dennis Kucinich's approach to the economy is so practical and farsighted, I sometimes wonder why it isn't discussed more; even by Kucinich! But, I guess Iraq is always the dominating issue.

However, amazingly, this plan addresses: balancing the budget, tempering the Pentagon war machine, fair taxation reform, leveling the business sector to enable small businesses to compete, our $800 Billion trade deficit, worker's rights human rights and environmental concerns, the millions of outsourced jobs, and  rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure-while at the same time creating more national wealth with millions of jobs, promoting renewable energies and saving families money on bills! It is insanely practical and wholly part of his message of "Strength Through Peace" for America.

In the same way that Dennis Kucinich will strengthen our security internationally by creating pragmatic relationships of peace, based upon equality and fairness, so he will at home by creating a more balanced economy and more equal society. To start with, Kucinich will repeal the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy and then double the tax refunds and credits for Americans earning $80,000 and less. He will create a more level playing field for small businesses by reconstituting the trust-busting powers of the Justice Department and breaking up the monopolies that make competition next to impossible in many industries. Further, he will slash the bloated Pentagon budget that we spoke about earlier by 15% to provide for universal education, pre-kindergarten/daycare through college, as well as a new public works program, called the WGA, which in turn will create millions of new jobs.

Regarding our massive trade deficit, mounting over $700 Billion/yr, and the millions of jobs our country has lost through trade agreements (3 million manufacturing jobs lost since 2000 alone) Kucinich is the only candidate willing to address the problem head on. As one of his first acts in office, he will notify NAFTA and the WTO that America is withdrawing from the agreements, thus protecting massive outsourced job loss, stimulating the economy and getting us on the road to recovery nationally; as America starts to produce goods that Americans purchase. No longer will it only be about corporate wealth, but national wealth as well, and Dennis will agressively pursue that these corporations pay their fare share in taxes too.

We will return to bilateral trade, based upon workers rights, human rights and environmental principles. No more exploiting workers for slave wages. No more ruining the environment for profit. Workers will be empowered and the rights of American workers to unionize and enact effective collective bargaining will gain more strength by Kucinich's promise to repeal the Taft-Hartely Act.

And finally, Dennis will create millions of new jobs and more wealth among the middle and working class and small businesses, while simultaneously addressing our crumbling infrastructural problems and energy needs. Through his Works Green Administration, or WGA, Dennis is investing in the environment, as well as our future, while stimulating the national economy. Inspired by FDR's Works Progress Administration, the WGA utilizes the Environmental Protection Agency to put millions of Americans back to work rebuilding our schools, bridges, roads, ports, water systems, and environmental systems. Not only does the bold practicality of the plan lie in putting Americans back to work by investing in the national wealth of our own infrastructure, but the plan also incorporates environmental and energy concerns to further create wealth for the country and save individual families more money. For example, not only will the public works projects stress green building and renewable energy technology, but the plan will enable homes to be retrofit with green building, solar and wind microtechnology which will save families money on their energy bills.

Looking At Iraq Through Kucinich

Iraq is a disaster. We are now approaching 4,000 U.S. soldiers dead and updates of the Lancet study estimate that over a million Iraqis have died! This astounding figure was recently corrorborated in a British study this month. Security only declines day by day and dependable power, clean water and employment is unavailable. The U.S. spends about $200 million each day 70% of Americans want it to end.

Whether it's the Baker-Hamilton report, or the GAO, it seems like everyone except the White House considers it a disaster. The consensus seems to be calling for a new approach, that will emphasize a political solution rather than a military one. However, the consensus is less clear as to what that solution may be. What is clear is that it is a colossal error, plagued by instability and massive violence, sending more and more human beings to their deaths every day. But, again, the nature of the violence and instability in Iraq is seen in different ways.

The White House, as well as most of the Republican candidates, see it largely as the work of global terrorists and Iraqi extremists attempting to drive out U.S. forces and the establish a National State of terror from which they can launch their aggresive war against the United States. "Al Qaeda" is thrown out a lot, even though the organization has a very small presence in the country, estimated at around 1,500 people total. They therefore, justify our continued presence there as crucial to national defense and winning the War on Terror.

Others, including many Democrats, consider the violence to be essentially a sectarian conflict or full blown civil war. Their soulution is drawing down combat forces, while continuing to leave somewhere between 60,000-90,000 troops in the region, apparently, to "fight terrorism", prevent the possibility of the conflict escalating and spilling over into other countries, mass genocide, to train Iraqi forces, etc.

So, even though there's a lot of arguing between the two groups both sides are committed to leaving a substantial U.S. troop presence in the country. That is, though they disagree on the amount of troops to keep there, they both agree that a military presence is key to securing the country. The people that favor the second view, including Clinton, Obama and Edwards, and talk so much about "ending the war", are planning to leave a big military presence there. That's what they call ending the war. But, what has to be realized is that this no longer a war. Outrageous amounts of men, women and children are dying every day, but this is not a war. This is an occupation.

That's the word that neither side likes to use, but it's the only word to describe it. The Republicans want to play offense in the occupation and the Democrats want to play defense in the occupation, but at the end of the day it's still an occupation. It is an occupation based upon oil and privatization, an occupation based upon big business and reconstruction contracts. It is an occupation that is the cause of the violence and instability in Iraq and it is an occupation that we have to start looking at if we are going to stabalize Iraq and bring peace and security there, as well as in America.

In April, an ABC poll found that 97% of Sunnis and 83% of Shia opposed the presence of U.S. military. The same poll indicated that the entire infrastructure is growing steadily worse, as the availability of power, clean water and jobs are declining. Earlier this month a BBC poll found that 60% of Iraqis approved of attacks on U.S. forces. The same poll found 70% of Iraqis saying that security has been steadily deteriorating, even with the surge in troops. As poll after poll shows these trends to be accurate, it starts to become obvious that keeping a U.S. military presence is entirely the wrong answer. Yet, these other candidates are all talking about continuing the occupation?

If we look at what's going on in Iraq, we see massive corruption. We have these private companies, like Blackwater, carrying out security operations, huge corporations such as Halliburton, landing no bid and cost-plus contracts for reconstruction, all of these companies making Billions rebuilding Iraq as the Iraqis get little to nothing in money and only a declining standard of living from the "reconstruction". And then there's the Oil.

Iraq, having the third largest oil reserves in the world, is being pressured into passing a law that would in effect privatize over 80% of their Oil reserves to multinational companies, particularly U.S. oil companies. This "hydrocarbon law" not only gives the rights to U.S. and other foreign oil companies to do business in Iraq it enables them to have power in making the decisions over the contracts themselves. That is, a Federal Council is established to make decisions upon oil contract negotiations. However, representatives of these private oil companies will be on the board and thus approving their own contracts and terms. These are conditions of our occupation. These are the conditions of injustice, corruption and theft. These are the conditions that are enraging Iraqis and fueling the insurgency. These are the conditions of instability and violence that have, predictably enough, have lead to increased instability and violence.

What we need to do is create conditions to allow for security or security will never arise. We need to create the conditions of fairness, stability and reparations. We need to allow the Iraqi people to possess their own wealth in Oil, to create jobs and a more stable economy through national reconstruction efforts. We need to end this occupation and start thinking more practically by realizing that it is the occupation that is creating the violence and convene an international peace keeping force to help the country remian stable as it rebuilds. We need to create the conditions of peace in order to strengthen Iraq as well as our own security and standing in the world. We need to start working with others and take a more even handed approach, building relationships instead of enemies.

We need to elect the only candidate who understands these things and is willing to take action; the only candidate who has consistently spoken out against the war; the only candidate who has spoken out against the mass corruption and this most unjust oil law; the only candidate to tell the people the truth that we can end this war anytime we want end this war anytime we want; and the only candidate pursuing peace, peace that is practical and makes America stronger.

Dennis Kucinich plan to end the occupation-H.R. 1234:

(1) the United States should end the occupation of Iraq immediately, simultaneously with the introduction of a United Nations-led international peacekeeping force pursuant to an agreement with nations within the region and which incorporates the terms and conditions specified in section 1;

(2) the Department of Defense should use readily available existing funds to bring all United States troops and necessary equipment home while a political settlement is being negotiated and preparations are made for a transition to an international security and peacekeeping force;

(3) the Department of Defense should order a simultaneous return of all United States contractors and subcontractors and turn over all contracting work to the Iraqi Government;

(4) the United Nations should be encouraged to prepare an international security and peacekeeping force to be deployed to Iraq, replacing United States troops who then return home;

(5) the United States should provide funding for a United Nations peacekeeping mission, in which 50 percent of the peacekeeping troops should come from nations with large Muslim populations;

(6) the international security force, under United Nations direction, should remain in place until the Iraqi Government is capable of handling its own security;

(7) the Iraqi Government, with assistance from the United Nations, should immediately restart the failed reconstruction program in Iraq and rebuild roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, and other public facilities, houses, and factories with jobs and job training going to local Iraqis;

(8) the Iraqi Government, in an act of political sovereignty, should set aside initiatives to privatize Iraqi oil interests or other national assets and abandon all efforts, whether at the behest of the United States or otherwise, to change Iraqi national law to facilitate privatization;

(9) the Iraq Government, in an act of political sovereignty, should set forth a plan to stabilize Iraq's cost for food and energy, on par to what the prices were before the United States invasion and occupation;

(10) the Iraqi Government, in an act of political sovereignty, should strive for economic sovereignty for Iraq by working with the world community to restore Iraq's fiscal integrity without structural readjustment measures of the International Monetary Funds or the World Bank;

(11) the United States should initiate a reparations program for the loss of Iraqi lives, physical and emotional injuries, and damage to property, which should include an effort to rescue the tens of thousands of Iraqi orphans from lives of destitution; and

(12) the United States should refrain from any covert operations in Iraq and any attempts to destabilize the Iraqi Government.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Kucinich Keeping A Keen Eye On Them!

Just a short post for a Friday night, but really wanted this to be seen.

Apparently, Dennis Kucinich was on WINZ Radio this morning and said in reading through the 2008 Defense Authorization Bill, he noticed language that would authorize use of U.S. Military for Domestic Purposes:


(a) DETERMINATION OF REQUIREMENTS---- The Secretary of Defense shall determine the military-unique capabilities needed to be provided by the Department of Defense to support civil authorities in an incident of national significance or a catastrophic incident.


(1) PLAN----The Secretary of Defense shall develop and implement a plan, in coordination with the Secretaries of the military departments and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for providing the funds and resources necessary to develop and maintain the following:

(A) The military-unique capabilities determined under subsection (a).

(B) Any additional capabilities determined by the Secretary to be necessary to support the use of the active components and the reserve components of the armed forces for homeland defense missions, domestic emergency responses, and providing military support to civil authorities.

(2) TERM OF PLAN---- The plan required under paragraph (1) shall cover at least five years.

According to Seafan who reported it, Kucinich said:

that this language jumped off the page at him and that he was very concerned that people learn about this provision that would authorize domestic operations for the US military.

Thanks to Seafan for pointing it out. I'll try to find out more. Please do the same.

Kucinich also sent a letter today to House Judiciary Chairman, John Conyers, to "urge timely consideration" of the impeachment resolution; particularly in light of recent reports of Cheney shaping intelligence and "stifling dissent" regarding Iran:

Dear Chairman Conyers

I am writing in support of H. Res. 799, the Articles of Impeachment which were referred to the committee relative to the Impeachment of the Vice President of the United States of America.

Recent reports indicate that the Vice President is attempting to shape the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran to conform to his misperceptions about the threat Iran actually poses. Much like his deceptive efforts in the lead up to the Iraq war, the Vice President appears to be manipulating intelligence to conform to his beliefs.

If the reports are true, they add additional weight to the case for impeachment. I believe impeachment remains the only tool Congress has to prevent a war in Iran. This information relates directly to the Article III charges in the resolution. I urge your timely consideration.

Kucinich proves again and again, his remarkable committment to protecting this country and his duty to public service. Please the support this man!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Kucinich Unflappable As Media Tries To Spin Impeachment

As the media did their best yesterday to ignore Dennis Kucinich's push to bring the impeachment of Dick Cheney to a vote (CNN didn't even have a story accesible on their website), they opted to today to go on the offensive by attempting to frame it as a marginal and pointless position. As Dave Lindorff wrote:

The New York Times, which claims to draw a clear distinction between its news articles and its commentary articles, dropped any pretense of such a distinction in its minimalist "coverage" of yesterday's dramatic effort by Rep. Dennis Kucinich to force the House to consider the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney.

In a small 230-word piece on Kucinich's privilege motion, and the subsequent vote to send his H Res. 333, now called H. Res. 799, to the House Judiciary Committee, after it has been consigned to limbo for over 6 months by the House leadership, the Times succeeded in dissing both Kucinich and the notion of impeaching the vice president.

As the anonymous Times reporter wrote in the lead of this hit piece:

It is hard to know which effort has longer odds, the bid by Representative Dennis J. Kucinich, Democrat of Ohio, to become president of the United State, or his bid to unseat Vice President Dick Cheney by impeaching him.

The rest of the article, which made no attempt to lay out Kucinich's blistering expose of the vice president's criminal role in presenting false evidence to the Congress and American people to justify an invasion of Iraq, and his condemnation of the vice president for the international crime of threatening war against Iran, is spent describing how House Democratic leaders and Republicans sparred over Kucinich's bill, with Republicans helping to defeat a Democratic effort to table it, and with Democrats then pushing it off the floor and over to the Judiciary Committee.

As, Kucinich appeared on the CBS Morning Show, Harry Smith opened the interview by claiming to Kucinich that:

that Republicans had "basically called your bluff" in wanting to debate the impeachment of Cheney on the House floor.

And later asked Dennis

if the impeachment resolution was all part of a publicity stunt in aid of his presidential campaign.

Not surprisingly, Tucker Carlson went further by opening his interview with Kucinich by falsely claiming that the impeachment was "dead" and then went on to describe impeachment as "overthrowing the governement" and "radical"!

But, Kucinich remained unflappable throughout and easily dismissed the rhetoric. Watch as Dennis answers the spin with rational critique that only leaves the MSM looking foolish and further bolsters Kucinich's move to pursue impeachment.

The CBS interview can be seen here. Tucker is below. And if you haven't already done so please support Dennis Kucinich in his effort to protect our country and our constituion.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Good Day: Kucinich Wins DFA Poll and Takes Action On Impeachment

On the same day that Dennis Kucinich took a stand for the Constitution and pushed for impeachment, the results of the DFA Presidential Pulse Poll confirmed that Progressives are willing to do the same.

With over 130,000 votes cast, the DFA poll is the largest presidential poll of progressive activists this year. Kucinich finished first, by over 10,000 votes! DFA (Democracy For America) was inspired by the presidential campaign of Howard Dean and is:

a political action committee dedicated to supporting fiscally responsible, socially progressive candidates at all levels of government—from school board to the presidency. DFA fights against the influence of the far right-wing and their radical, divisive policies and the selfish special interests that for too long have dominated our politics.

DFA has a long-term goal to rebuild the Democratic Party from the bottom up—it will take time, but we must start building a base now for the future.

This, just a week after a surge in campaign momentum-incuding continued progress in national polls and a huge jump in New Hampshire:

In New Hampshire, site of the nation’s first Presidential primary, Kucinich is tied for fourth place with New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson with 7%, only seven points behind Edwards, according to last week’s Rasmussen Report. Also, the Survey Center at the University of New Hampshire just released polling data showing Kucinich and Sen. Hillary Clinton gaining momentum, while support for the other Democratic candidates appears to have peaked and may be in decline in New Hampshire

Last week, in the largest Democratic straw poll in California, Kucinich finished a strong second to Edwards. Official results from the San Mateo County Democratic Party showed that Edwards received 29% of the total votes cast, Kucinich received just under 24%, and Obama and Clinton came in third and fourth, with 22.5% and 16.8% respectively. The other Democratic candidates were all in low single digits.

In a Zogby America poll earlier this month, Kucinich was fourth, six points behind Edwards, and ahead of Richardson and Sen. Joe Biden. The Cook Political Report/RT Strategies poll last month also had Kucinich tied with Richardson, and ahead of Biden and Sen. Chris Dodd.

In the House Kucinich used privileged resolution in an attempt to finally force a dialogue on impeachment of V.P. Dick Cheney; which the Democratic Congressional leadership has continually claimed is "off the table", even though a majority of Americans support it and over 80 cities/towns have passed similar resolutions.

After the Democratic majority attempted to move the resolution to table, effectively killing the bill, interestingly, the Republicans switched their votes to counter and actually force a debate on the issue. The Dems later held a vote to move the bill to the Judiciary Committee, and thus avoiding debate, where John Conyers will now have to decide whether or not to pursue an investigation. You can read a more detailed play by play of the development here.

We will have to wait and see what happens from here. But, Kucinich has once again proved he is the one pushing this party towards the people, as well as towards progressive reform. Congratulations to Dennis Kucinich, as well as all those who have supported him. We still have work to do, but we are moving ahead. And we are doing so with Kucinich. If you haven't supported yet, please do:

Dennis 4 President! Let's reclaim our country!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Dear, Progressives: We Need Your Vote Tonight!

The DFA Presidential Pulse Poll ends tonight at Midnight Eastern/9:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, which only gives us a few hours to cast our votes. So far, over 130,000 votes have been cast, making it the largest presidential poll of progressive activists this year. I am genuinely proud to write that Dennis Kucinich currently leads with over 30% of the vote.

However, as positive as a Kucinich victory is, simply finishing first is less important than our sending a clear message to America that, as Progressives, we have made a committment to pushing progressive values into the mainstream and elevating the voices that best represent those values. We must push Dennis Kucinich higher, we must cast our votes, for we know that he is the candidate that best represents these values. He proves it to us through his platform, at each debate, in every speech, and vote after vote in Congress.

Who is the only Democratic presidential candidate who campaigned against and voted against the war authorization resolution in 2002 and every supplemental appropriation since? Who is the only Democratic presidential candidate to vote against the unconstitutional and illegal U.S.A Patriot Act?

Who is the only candidate to come to terms with the Occupation of Iraq and speak out about the unjust privatization of Iraq's national oil wealth?

Who is the only candidate to provide leadership and consistently speak out against agressive military action in Iran? Who is the only candidate willing to stand up to this Administration and its abuses by pursuing Impeachment?

Who is the only only Presidential candidate willing to challenge the private insurance and pharmaceuitcal companies with a truly universal, single-payer, not-for-profit health care system to cover all Americans?

Who is the only candidate willing to address the causes of our massive trade deficit, millions of outsourced jobs, worker and human rights abuses, and environmental abuses? What other candidate is willing to look at these problems and take the action that needs to be done: withdrawing the U.S. from NAFTA/WTO?

Who is the only candidate to offer true equal rights to all Americans, supporting full marriage equality?

Dennis Kucinich is the only candidate willing to take a clear stand for progressive values and he is pushing this whole party through his leadership. It is Dennis Kucinich that opened the dialogue on the U.S. presence in Iraq that other candidates have moved to. It is Dennis Kucinich that introduced the power of the purse and Congress' ability to end the war now, which we have heard other candidates begin to consider. It is Dennis Kucinich that first talked about diarmament and cutting the Pentagon budget, putting the money into domestic needs like education and infrastructure. Now other candidates are talking about the same things.

Dennis Kucinich is the candidate that is making our voices heard. Now it is up to us to make that voice stronger and more resonant. Please support the progressive candidate and cast your vote for Dennis Kucinich in the DFA poll here.

Thank you.

Kucinich Conference Call: The People and Impeachment

Dennis Kucinich will introduce privileged resolution to force a vote on V.P. Cheney's impeachment resolution this week, probably Tuesday. It is critical that we voice our support and contact our Representatives ASAP to let them know how we feel.

However, he is reaching out to us, the American people, to do our part and claim responsibility to reclaim our constitutional democracy. Dennis understands that real change and meaningful reform can't happen without the active support of the people, and so he will be holding a live, national conference call Monday evening, November 5th, to explain how everything will work and what we can do to help. From the Kucinich campaign website:

Dennis will host a live, nationwide conference call on Monday, November 5th, beginning at about 7:30 p.m. (Eastern Time), to announce what will be happening in the House of Representatives this week regarding the Cheney impeachment resolution – and to ask for your help.

The call-in number is (641) 715-3300.
When the operator asks for an access code, key in 324341#.
The call is open to all interested citizens.

The time to act is now. We have to contact our Representatives to gain support. We have to contact the Democratic leadership and explain that no part of our Constituion, including impeachment, is "off the table".

Off the table!? It is important to note why Kucinich is moving this forward: there is wide popular support for it! Over 80 cities/towns have now passed impeachment resolutions, with 50 more pending, and major polls, such as Zogby, have indicated a majority of Americans support impeachment proceedings. However, the Democratic leadership, members of Congress, and the MSM have failed to listen to the American people. As Kucinich noted at the San Mateo Straw Poll:

"If Congress did the right thing, they would be talking ... about impeachment...

"I introduced House Resolution 333 because I heard from the American people and they said they wanted some response to make Dick Cheney accountable for the statements that he made that took us into a war based on lies. And the statements he made that would take us into a conflict against Iran. Again, more lies.

"The President is now openly invoking the specter of World War III with respect to Iran. He ought to be held accountable also. I'm the only member of Congress who stepped forward on the issue of making Dick Cheney accountable. And now we have 21 members who've joined me. That's a step in the right direction. But I'm going to go beyond that. I'm going to call a privileged resolution, at which point, would force a vote --- at least if it's only on a procedural motion --- members are going to have to confront this issue of impeachment. They're not going to escape it. This is a question of defending our Constitution. It really is.

Just as our Congressional Representatives have gone deaf to the voice of millions of Americans, we, like the Constitution, have gone dumb to this Administration. And Kucinich understands this:

“Despite this groundswell of opposition to the unconstitutional conduct of office, Vice President Cheney continues to violate the U.S. Constitution by insisting the power of the executive branch is supreme.

Congress must hold the Vice President accountable. The American people need to let Members of Congress know how they feel about this. The Vice President continues to use his office to advocate for a continued occupation of Iraq and prod our nation into a belligerent stance against Iran. If the Vice President is successful, his actions will ensure decades of disastrous consequences.”

So here we are. Kucinich is giving us a chance to let Congress know how we feel, while holding them and this Administration accountable for their actions. There will be a vote. People will have to make a decision. People will have to take action. And we who believe in the principles of this country have to act first. This is our country, our government and our consequences if we stand idly by.

Call your Representatives here. Call the Democratic Leadership here. Call in to the conference call tommorow night. Recommend, Digg, pass along this diary and raise your voices. There isn't much time.

Articles of Impeachment against V.P. Cheney:

1.) In his conduct while Vice President of the United States, Richard B. Cheney, in violation of his constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of Vice President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens and Congress of the United States by fabricating a threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to justify the use of the United States Armed Forces against the nation of Iraq in a manner damaging to our national security interests

2.) In his conduct while Vice President of the United States, Richard B. Cheney, in violation of his constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of Vice President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens and Congress of the United States about an alleged relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda in order to justify the use of the United States Armed Forces against the nation of Iraq in a manner damaging to our national security interests

3.) In his conduct while Vice President of the United States, Richard B. Cheney, in violation of his constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of Vice President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has openly threatened aggression against the Republic of Iran absent any real threat to the United States, and done so with the United States proven capability to carry out such threats, thus undermining the national security of the United States

Kucinich's list of supporting documents are here.

Co-sponsors for Articles of Impeachment:

H. Res. 333, Articles of Impeachment against the Vice President, has 21 cosponsors. They are: Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Robert Brady (D-PA), Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Rep. William Lacy Clay (D-MO), Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA), Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA), Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX), Rep. Henry Johnson (D-GA), Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-MI), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA), Rep. James Moran (D-VA), Rep. Donald Payne (D-NJ), Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-NY), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), Rep. Diane Watson (D-CA), Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) and Rep. Albert Wynn (D-MD).

Kucinich Weekly Update W/ Impeachment Special

This is a special Campaign Update, with an interview with Dennis explaining why he is pursuing the process and how it will work. Please watch to be informed and pass along the info. to ensure that your Representative is informed of the process.

A Green America: Kucinich's Bold Energy Plan

We have to recognize the relationship between global warming and “global warring”. Just as dependence on foreign oil has led to wars in the Middle East, allocating an outrageous amount of our budget to the Pentagon facilitates and preserves this dependence on foreign oil. Dennis Kucinich understands this connection and so, as stated above, will slash the Pentagon budget by 15% as his first step to move away from fossil fuels and towards sustainable and renewable fuels and energy sources. As stated above, this money will go to education, as well as creating his Works Green Administration (WGA). The WGA will couple the EPA with NASA to develop new technologies to utilize alternative fuels and energies.

Inspired by FDR's Works Progress Administration, the WGA utilizes the Environmental Protection Agency to put millions of Americans back to work rebuilding our schools, bridges, roads, ports, water systems, and environmental systems. Not only does the bold practicality of the plan lie in putting Americans back to work by investing in the national wealth of our own infrastructure, but the plan also incorporates environmental and energy concerns to further create wealth for the country and save individual families more money. For example, not only will the public works projects stress green building and renewable energy technology, but the plan will enable homes to be retrofit with green building, solar and wind microtechnology which will save families money on their energy bills. The WGA rebuilding effort will incorporate sustainable development and renewable energy from our public infrastructure to the millions of private homes that choose to retrofit with wind and solar technologies to save on family energy costs. In fact, they will be able to sell energy back to the grid.

The role of utilities will change dramatically because it will no longer be a centralized approach toward energy production. Utility companies will have to provide support for green alternatives. They will no longer be dictating energy costs, as Kucinich will work to break up the monopolies and ensure close regulation of their activities. They will be required to go green as license conditions and shut down if they violate the Clean Air Act. We will finally have a strict and EPA.

Further, Kucinich will finally committ the U.S. to the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol, as well as incorporating a carbon tax to create disincentives for using carbon-based energies. However, he believes this isn’t enough; simply punishing those people who are using carbons is not the answer. Rather, Kucinich wants to put the emphasis first on the government supporting renewable technologies, to move the country toward a renewable portfolio standard of at least 30% by 2020.

Kucinich will create a cooperative and synergistic relationship between all departments and administrations within the government for the purpose of greening America. Whether it's the Small Business Administration, or the Housing and Urban Development Department, or the Department of Agriculture, or the Department of Labor, each would incorporate green goals into its policies.

Internationally, as President, Kucinich will work with the leaders of China and India and other nations to promote an environmental consciousness and sustainable economies. After withdrawing from NAFTA, the new trade agreements will include requirements for protecting the air and the water and the land of all the countries we do business with.

Dennis Kucinich has a long history and strong committment of fighting for the environment. He was active in helping draft the first environmental law protecting the air, as a member of the Cleveland City Council 30 years ago and led the effort in Ohio challenging nuclear power as being unsafe, unreliable, and unsustainable. Internationally he attended the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, advocating a plan with Mikhail Gorbachev for a Global Green Deal that would enable the introduction of $50 billion of new solar projects around the world.

Support Dennis Kucinich and make America a leader in protecting our environment and creating a sustainable future.

Kucinich Introduces Children's Education Bill

Dennis Kucinich introduced legislation to ensure all children ages 3-5 years-old will have access to quality early education programs through a universal pre-kindergarten program; Kucinich introduced the bill with 37 original co-sponsors.

“By providing students with early educational opportunities we can help lay the foundation for future academic success,” Kucinich said. Kucinich is the only Member of Congress from the state of Ohio on the Education and Labor Committee.

“Our country has great wealth. Yet, we are constantly selling the youth of our nation short. Unfortunately, there is a drastic shortage of affordable and accessible early childhood education programs.

“We must make the education of our youth a top priority. This bill is a large first step in that direction.”

As a Presidential candidate, Kucinich was the first to call for a significant cut to our drastically bloated Pentagon budget by 15%, much of which will be put into education to rebuild schools and provide a truly universal education system. Bill Richardson and John Edwards have followed Kucinich's lead, albeit less boldly.

Further, Kucinich wants to move away from No Child Left Behind, with its quantitative, test-taking measuring system, to an education system with a more qualitative emphasis; of critical and creative thinking, languages and the arts, reading and learning skills. We need to integrate proven techniques and the well-established body of knowledge on childhood development to let them grow and develop their practical aspirations.

Pre-kindergarten programs prepare children to meet the challenges of school. Studies show that young children who have access to a quality education benefit with higher academic achievements, increased graduation rates and decreased juvenile delinquency. Nationwide, there's a severe shortage of affordable, quality education programs. By providing universal pre-kindergarten, we are ensuring that all of our children are ready for school. Education is the only solution proven to reduce poverty levels. This conclusion is backed by thousands of national studies.